A huge thanks go to our coaches and helpers for their assistance with the transition into slings for around half our new shooters.  For many, it was their first time undertaking this task so it was great to see how well they were able to pass on what they themselves had gone through only a few years earlier.  Over the next two weeks we hope to complete the transition for all new members.  Thanks also to everyone who helped with the range cleaning – once again many hands make light work and the task was completed quickly.

Welcome to our new members: Mila Ballara, Logan Brantley, Ben Cox, Phil Cox, Leilani Fam, Jessica Hudson, Georgia Karantze, Hannah Kennedy, Thomas Kilroy, Jack MacCormick, Summer O’Dwyer and Alaina Wilks.  There will be a large amount of information emailed out over the next few weeks as we get ready for the main part of the shooting season.  Each week you will receive this Brooklyn Shooting Update which notes what’s happened during the previous week, and what’s coming up in the next few weeks.  Please take a few minutes to read this.

So how did our “new slings” go?  Top shot was Phil Cox with 90.0, followed by Jessica Hudson with 87.2, both scores higher than each recorded on the rest.  It can often take 3-4 weeks before sling scores are back to the level of rest scores, so congratulations to both of you, and to your coaches Ollie Tuohy and Callum Osborne, first-timers on this task.

Our “rest” shooters continue to shoot extremely well.  First-time shooter, Dave Wilks, managed a very impressive 90.2, while Leilani Fam improved considerably on her previous scores, shooting 89.0 and 91.1.  Others scoring personal best (PB) scores were Alaina Wilks 88.1 and Jack MacCormick 86.1.

Ollie Tuohy scored highest in D Grade this week with 92.3, followed by Daniel Mackey with 91.1.  In C Grade Stephen Thessman with top shot with 94.3, and Callum Osborne top-scored in B Grade with 96.4.  In A Grade Dianne Grain was highest with 99.5, and Michael Grain top-scored in Master Grade with 98.5, an inner ahead of David Grain who had the best 20-shot score this week of 198.10, including his first 100 of the season.

The sports psychology evening held last Friday was very thought-provoking.  We often say we can’t do something, but if we simply add the word “yet” at the end, we’ve changed the context from a negative to something to aim for.  To achieve a bigger goal, it is easier to break it down into smaller, more achievable stepping stones.  The more physically fit we are, the longer it takes for our heart to start racing under pressure.  The food and drink we take prior to a match will have an impact on the result.  The more relaxed we are, the better our shots will be, so using a piece of music or a thought can trigger a state of calm.

Thanks to those who have paid their subs.  These are now due and prompt payment would be appreciated (either at the club or direct into the club’s bank account 38-9005-0731057-01 using your name as the reference).

The first of the season’s open champs gets underway next Saturday at Colyton, near Feilding, with the Bulls Open Champs the following Saturday at Palmerston North.  If anyone wishes to enter either of these matches and requires club equipment to be transported, please let me know.  A reminder that if you are interested in selection to a North Island team, you need to complete a minimum of four open champs between now and the end of June.

Attached is the club shooting calendar, along with posters for the first two open champs.

Please note that club shooting is on next Sunday (even though it is Easter Sunday).

Upcoming events:

  • Saturday 4 April, Colyton Club Open Champs, Feilding (poster attached).
  • Sunday 5 April, 9.30am, Teams of Ten trials, 2x20.
  • Saturday 11 April, Bulls Club Open Champs, Palmerston North (poster attached).
  • Sunday 12 April, 9.30am, Teams of Ten trials, 2x20.