The 2016 indoor shooting season begins next Sunday, 28 February.
The four-week introduction to shooting programme will be held in two sessions (3.00pm and 4.30pm) on four Sundays (28 February, and 6, 13 and 20 March). There will be numerous tasks to do (meet and greet, entry money and forms, squadding, safety talk, ammo filling, target preparation and changing, coaching, range officering, marking, checking marking, talking with shooters and parents, collation of targets and forms). We need as many people as possible to help run this programme, so please come along and assist. If there is a particular task you wish to do, please let me know.
There will be practice sessions from 7pm on 28 February, 6 and 13 March, with the club competition commencing on 20 March. Once the introduction to shooting programme has finished, we will revert to the normal afternoon and evening sessions, with coaching available in the afternoon sessions only.
David will be making up the scoreboard charts for the club competition in the next few weeks. In order to get the charts as accurate as possible, please let me know if you are not intending to return to shooting this year, or if you are not a current member but do intend to shoot this year.
Upcoming events:
- Sundays from 28 February to 20 March, 3pm and 4.30pm, introduction programme. Assistance required from 2.30pm.
- Sundays from 28 February to 6 March, 7pm, club practice session.
- Sunday 13 March, 7pm, BSRC AGM followed by club practice session.
- Friday 18 March, 7.45pm, WSRA AGM.
- Sunday 20 March, club competition commences.
- Sunday 27 March, usual 4.30pm and 7pm sessions commence.