What a vibrant day at the club yesterday with over 40 people! It was great to have so many members coming along to help out with the afternoon session, enabling individual reassessment of equipment and checking of positions to take place. And with 16 for dinner, the highest number so far, there was certainly a great atmosphere.
Welcome to our newest member, Melchior Meares. Melchior has been shooting off the rest for the past four weeks and achieving excellent results into the low 90s. Melchior will transition to sling and jacket over the next few weeks.
New PBs were shot yesterday by Yiannis Fam 91.2, and Mark Riley 196.6 (possibly not best ever but definitely best for many years). Well done!
In club shooting, the top six scores in D Grade this week were shot by Amalamo Simi 93.2, Wiko du Toit 92.1, Yiannis Fam 91.2, Inge Little 91.2, Jack MacCormick 91.0 and Rhys Mountain 91.0, while another four members shot 90s. Top shot in C Grade was Erin Little with 96.3 followed by Greg Mason with 94.2. Craig Fair was best in B Grade with an impressive 98.5, and it was certainly tight in the top grades with only a point separating seven shooters – Beckz Gibbs was highest with 98.6, while David Grain and Mark Baines were an inner behind on 98.5. And in the 20-shot competition, only two points separated the best five scores – Dianne Grain scored highest with 197.11 followed by Evan Little on 196.12.
The first interclub match for our C Grade team was held last Tuesday. Top shot was Mark Riley with 95.4 and, due to the opposing South Wellington team failing to show, Brooklyn secured a 367-point win. The next interclub match will be contested between all three grades on Sunday 19 June.
Results have not yet been received for Round 1 of the Wellington closed champs competition, but will be forwarded to members as soon as possible. The deadline for Round 2 targets is Sunday 12 June.
A reminder that if you wish to be considered for North Island team selection (and ticked the box on the TSNZ form), you need to enter a minimum of four open champs in the period from 1 April until 2 July. The remaining open champs during this period are at Feilding, Petone, Dannevirke, Martinborough and Wanganui. For those selected, the North v South match will take place at Rangiora on Saturday 20 August.
The Hutt Valley Open Champs are being held at the Keene range in Petone on Friday 10 and Saturday 11 June. If you would like to compete and need assistance with transportation of equipment and/or coaching, please let Dianne know your preferred shooting time and day before Sunday 4 June. This match is also a good opportunity for our secondary school students as Round 1 of the local intercollegiate match is held at this range in August.
Upcoming events:
- Wednesday 1 June, Interassociation Open Grade match, 8.15pm, 1x20. #1 team: Meredith Ackrill, David Grain, Dianne Grain, Evan Little. #2 team: Ross Little. Emergency: Craig Fair. On call: Mark Riley.
- Saturday 4 June, Awahuri Club Open Champs, Feilding.
- Thursday 9 June, NDC Round 3, 7.30pm.
- Friday 10 / Saturday 11 June, Hutt Valley Open Champs, Petone (highly recommended).
- Sunday 12 June, Round 1 Triple S deadline.
- Sunday 12 June, Round 2 Wellington closed champs deadline.
Below is a quick update in chronological order on what’s happened over the last two weeks. Results from events occurring this week will be noted in next Monday’s update.
The Interassociation A Grade rep match was held on Monday 9 May. It was great to see that the five highest scores were shot by the five Brooklyn shooters, with top shot being Dianne Grain on 198.9 followed by Craig Fair with a very impressive 197.7. Interassociation matches are shot between associations from all around New Zealand. Final results are published in September.
Wellington #1 finished in 5th place at the Rees Scroll (Teams of Ten) Match on Saturday 14 May, while Wellington #2 finished 15th. Congratulations to Pratik Tailor on being top shooter for Wellington with a very impressive score of 398.26. This placed him second highest individual overall (out of 164 shooters), and only three inners behind the top shot (Ryan Taylor, New Zealand’s current Olympic shooting representative). Well done, Pratik! It was great to hear that some of our newer shooters purchased jackets at this match, with at least one of these already reaping the benefits with a much improved new PB.
At club shooting on 15 May Wiko du Toit, Inge Little and Qiyun Goh all recorded new PBs. The top five scores in D Grade were shot by Wiko du Toit 96.4, Georgia Karantze 94.1, Leilani Fam 93.1, Inge Little 93.1 and Sarah May 92.1, while another five shooters also achieved scores in the 90s. There was some great shooting in C Grade with Mark Riley finishing highest on 98.3, followed by Erin Little 97.3 and Hamish Guthrey 95.5. Craig Fair shot best in B Grade with 98.8, while Beckz Gibbs recorded her first 10-shot 100 this season in A Grade with 100.6 and also shot best in the 20-shot competition with 196.13.
Wellington had a win in Round 2 of the NDC competition on Thursday 19 May, beating Marlborough in both the composite and junior sections. Congratulations to Summer O’Dwyer on shooting her first ever 100, and particularly doing it in the NDC match where it gained an extra point for the Wellington team. Summer’s 100.5 was very clear with only testers for inners – fantastic shooting, Summer! Congratulations also to Pratik Tailor on being best shot in Division 2 with 298.16. Wellington are now back in the running in this competition, only five points behind the leaders, Nelson, with three rounds to go.
At the business house shoot on Friday 20 May, teams organised by Brooklyn members came 2nd and 3rd receiving gift vouchers and a bar tab for their efforts. Thanks to Craig and Meredith for organising teams for this fundraising event.
Four more new PBs were shot at the club on 22 May by Leilani Fam, Shambhavi Choudhury, George Egerton and Theo Lynch. Meredith Ackrill shot best overall with 99.7, followed by Ross Little with 98.7. Summer O’Dwyer’s 96.2 was best in B Grade, and Mark Riley was once again top shot in C Grade with 97.2. The best five shooters in D Grade this week were Wiko du Toit 96.4, Leilani Fam 96.0, Georgia Karantze 94.3, Shambhavi Choudhury 94.2, and Inge Little 93.1, with another four shooters recording scores in the 90s.
Upcoming events:
- Tuesday 24 May, C Grade interclub, 7.45pm, 1x10. Team: Mark Riley (captain), Hamish Guthrey, Erin Little, Ollie Tuohy.
- Wednesday 1 June, Interassociation Open Grade match, 8.15pm, 1x20. #1 team: Meredith Ackrill, David Grain, Dianne Grain, Evan Little. #2 team: Ross Little. Emergency: Craig Fair. On call: Mark Riley.
- Saturday 4 June, Awahuri Club Open Champs, Feilding.
- Thursday 9 June, NDC Round 3, 7.30pm.
- Friday 10 / Saturday 11 June, Hutt Valley Open Champs, Petone (highly recommended).
- Sunday 12 June, Round 1 Triple S deadline.
- Sunday 12 June, Round 2 Wellington closed champs deadline.
Welcome to our newest returning member, Mark Robinson. Mark was a Brooklyn member during the 1980s and 1990s. With club membership numbers declining considerably in the 1990s, Mark was one of the key people involved with regenerating the club, setting up and hosting our website, and being a welcoming and friendly face to visitors and new shooters to the club. Mark is already very much involved with our current club, firstly being Oscar’s dad, but also helping with setting up, organising and coaching each week.
Amalamo Simi shot extremely well yesterday, scoring a new PB of 96.2 and following it up an inner higher on his second card. It’s hard to believe Amalamo moved to sling and jacket only seven weeks ago with scores like this. Other new personal bests this week were by Sarah May 95.3, Arnold Chia 88.4 and Qiyun Goh 86.1, while Jack MacCormick shot a new 20-shot PB of 184.5.
It was close between our Master Graders this week with only inners separating competition scores – Pratik Tailor shot best with 99.8 ahead of Meredith Ackrill on 99.6. David Grain was top shot in A Grade with 99.6 followed by Dianne Grain on 98.5. And the 99s continued in B Grade with Summer O’Dwyer scoring 99.5 to be highest in that grade this week. Hamish Guthrey was top shot in C Grade with 95.3, while Mark Riley was a point behind on 94.3. The top five shooters in D Grade this week were Amalamo Simi 96.3, Sarah May 95.3, Wiko du Toit 93.1, Bella Gauld 91.2 and Leilani Fam 91.1.
Congratulations to Mark Baines on a great 20-shot card this week – 199.13 including his first 100 of the season.
Our open interclub team continued their winning form of previous years with an excellent start to the 2016 competition, scoring 785.38 against Wellington Central’s 772.33. Only two points separated the four Brooklyn shooters, with top spot being shared between Meredith Ackrill and David Grain both with 197.09. Brooklyn’s B Grade team were unlucky to lose to Melrose by a mere two points (379.07 v 381.08) – Andrea Tuohy scored highest with 97.2.
The Wellington Central Club Open Champs were held last weekend, with Brooklyn members well represented in the prizes. Congratulations to Evan Little on winning A Grade, to 2nd placegetters David Grain in A Grade and Summer O’Dwyer in B Grade, to 3rd placegetters Craig Fair in B Grade and Mark Riley in C Grade, and to Meredith Ackrill, Evan Little and Craig Fair on shooting in the Final 10.
Good luck to our club members competing in the Teams of Ten match this weekend at the Keene Range in Petone. TSNZ will have a sales table selling all manner of shooting equipment, so if you are interested in purchasing a jacket, sling, or glove, head along there on Saturday. The range is at the eastern end of Jackson Street, with the sales table likely to be operating out of the vintage car clubrooms. While there, don’t forget to support our members involved in the match, and watch the progress of the competition unfolding on the scoreboards.
The business house shoot originally scheduled for April has been postponed until Friday 20 May. This is a good way to introduce new people to our sport, and to raise funds for our association and clubs. To register a team of three people, visit www.shootingwellington.co.nz or contact Bronwyn Shields at shootingwellington@gmail.com.
The Poroutawhao Club Open Champs are being held at their range (about 10 kms north of Levin) on Saturday 21 May. As David, Michael and I will be away for the next two weeks, please contact Evan (evster22@gmail.com) if you would like to attend the champs and need assistance with coaching, or transportation of equipment.
Upcoming events:
- Monday 9 May, Interassociation A Grade match, 8.15pm, 1x20. #1 team: David Grain, Ross Little, Evan Little, Dianne Grain. Emergency: Craig Fair.
- Saturday 14 May, Rees Scroll (Teams of Ten) match, 8.30am, 2x20 Keene Range, Petone. Wellington #1: Pratik Tailor, Meredith Ackrill, Ross Little, Jess Fair, Evan Little. Wellington #2: Craig Fair, Summer O’Dwyer, Mark Riley.
- Thursday 19 May, Round 2 NDC, 7.30 pm. Open section: Pratik Tailor, Evan Little, Jess Fair, Craig Fair. Junior section: Ross Little, Callum Osborne, Summer O’Dwyer. Emergency: Mark Riley. On call: Andrea Tuohy, Ollie Tuohy.
- Friday 20 May, Business House Shoot.
- Saturday 21 May, Poroutawhao Open Champs.
- Sunday 22 May, Round 1 closed champs deadline.
- Tuesday 24 May, C Grade interclub, 7.45pm, 1x10. Team: Mark Riley (captain), Hamish Guthrey, Erin Little, Luisa Kristen. On call: Neakiry Kivi, Ollie Tuohy.
It would be appreciated if our third year shooters could consider moving to the evening session to free up equipment for newer shooters. Even better if third year shooters can help out during the afternoon session: coaching, target changing, marking, teaching how to mark, etc.
Congratulations to Pratik Tailor on his 3rd place in Master Grade at the Masterton Open Champs on Saturday with 298.18. Pratik then shot in the final, scoring 198.15. Great shooting!
Our new members continue to show good improvement. Four new PBs were shot yesterday - Sarah May 95.2, Oscar Robinson 93.3, Arnold Chia 86.1 and Yiannis Fam 84.0.
The best score in D Grade this week was shot by Sarah May 95.2 with the next four being separated only by inners: Leilani Fam 93.4, Oscar Robinson 93.3, Amalamo Simi 93.2 and Rhys Mountain 93.0. Erin Little was top shot in C Grade with 95.3 followed by Mark Riley on 94.0. Callum Osborne led B Grade with 99.3, and David Grain had the best score in A Grade of 98.3. David also had the highest 20-shot score this week (197.13) ahead of Pratik Tailor on 197.9.
Wellington scored a good win in the junior section of Round 1 of the NDC competition on Thursday with a score of 585, 16 points ahead of Southland. Unfortunately our composite and open sections didn’t fare so well, resulting in a loss for Wellington in this round. Congratulations to Summer O’Dwyer and Callum Osborne who achieved the highest scores out of the 18 junior shooters in Division 2.
In the Wellington v Horowhenua match shot at the Poroutawhao Range in Levin yesterday, Wellington #1 had an easy win finishing 83 points ahead of Horowhenua who just managed to beat the Wellington #2 team by a mere point.
This weekend the Wellington Central Club are hosting an open champs. Any affiliated shooter can compete on payment of the entry fee. The competition is broken up into grades so a shooter will only be competing against those at a similar level. Each competitor shoots three 10-shot cards. If you are keen to have a go, and are using club equipment and/or require coaching, please let me know before Wednesday. Cards can be shot either Friday night from 7pm or Saturday from 10am. For those who have nominated for a North Island team, this match counts towards your selection ranking.
Upcoming events:
- Wednesday 4 May, Round 1 interclub. B Grade(8.15pm, 1x10): Mark Riley, Callum Osborne, Andrea Tuohy (captain), Summer O’Dwyer. Open Grade (8.45pm, 1x20): Pratik Tailor, Meredith Ackrill, David Grain, Evan Little (captain). C Grade has a bye in this round.
- Friday 6/Saturday 7 May, Wellington Central Club Open Champs – highly recommended.
- Monday 9 May, Interassociation A Grade match, 8.15pm, 1x20. Team TBA Wednesday.
- Saturday 14 May, Rees Scroll (Teams of Ten) match, 8.30am, 2x20 Keene Range, Petone. Wellington #1: Pratik Tailor, Meredith Ackrill, Ross Little, Jess Fair, Evan Little. Wellington #2: Craig Fair, Summer O’Dwyer, Mark Riley.
Help is needed from licensed shooters next Sunday so if you’re not involved in the Wellington v Horowhenua match at Levin, please come to the club to assist with our newer shooters at 4.30pm.
Congratulations to Summer O’Dwyer on shooting a new 20-shot PB of 195.12 at the Teams of Ten trials yesterday, and to Shambhavi Choudhury on her new 10-shot PB of 84.1.
The best five scores in D Grade this week were Amalamo Simi 94.1, Wiko du Toit 91.4, Inge Little 88.0, Bella Gauld 88.0 and Daniel Mackey 86.1. Neakiry Kivi and Ollie Tuohy tied for best C Grade shooter this week with 93.3. Callum Osborne led B Grade with 96.4 followed by Summer O’Dwyer on 95.2. There was some great shooting in the top grades this week – David Grain top scored with 100.2, followed by Mark Baines on 99.4 and Beckz Gibbs on 98.6. Pratik Tailor had the best 20-shot score of 199.14, four inners ahead of Beckz Gibbs on 199.10.
It’s really good to see such a large number of club members (39) have entered the Wellington Closed Champs competition. This competition comprises one target to be shot in each of six rounds, with three weeks between rounds. Targets will be available to shoot from next Sunday and located on the table under the scoreboard. Each target has a sticker on the back with the shooter’s details on it so please ensure you pick up your target, not somebody else’s. The deadline for Round 1 is Sunday 22 May. Note: if you do not shoot your target by this date you will receive a zero score.
The interclub competition gets underway on Wednesday 4 May. Brooklyn has entered one team in each of the three sections: Open Grade, B Grade and C Grade. Any club member can shoot in their own grade or any grade higher than their grade, but cannot shoot in a lower grade. As well as the team competition, an individual aggregate trophy is presented at the end of the year to the top shooter in each of the sections. Our C Grade team has a bye in the first round. Congratulations to the club members noted under Upcoming events who have been selected for the first round of the B Grade and Open Grade sections.
Upcoming events:
- Thursday 28 April, 7.30pm, Round 1 NDC competition. Open team: Pratik Tailor, Evan Little. Composite team: David Grain, Dianne Grain, Mark Riley. Junior team: Ross Little, Callum Osborne, Summer O’Dwyer. Emergencies: Sarah May, Craig Fair, Andrea Tuohy. On call: Ollie Tuohy. Marker: Ollie Tuohy.
- Saturday 30 April, Masterton Open Champs, Masterton.
- Sunday 1 May, 1.00pm, Wellington v Horowhenua, 2x20, Poroutawhao Range, Levin. Team: TBC.
- Wednesday 4 May, Round 1 interclub. B Grade (8.15pm, 1x10): Mark Riley, Callum Osborne, Andrea Tuohy (captain), Summer O’Dwyer. Open Grade (8.45pm, 1x20): Pratik Tailor, Meredith Ackrill, David Grain, Evan Little (captain). C Grade has a bye in this round.
- Friday 6/Saturday 7 May, Wellington Central Club Open Champs.
Our top shooters were definitely on form yesterday with seven 100s shot, including a 200.14 from Meredith. Great shooting!
Congratulations to all those who recorded new personal best (PB) scores yesterday: Shambhavi Choudhury, Wiko du Toit, Yiannis Fam, Bella Gauld, Qiyun Goh, Inge Little, Jack MacCormick, and Amalamo Simi. It’s great to see the continual improvement from our new shooters.
The best five scores in D Grade this week were Bella Gauld 96.1 (5th card on sling!), Amalamo Simi 95.2 (7th card on sling!), Leilani Fam 94.2, Wiko du Toit 93.1, and Jack MacCormick 92.3, very closely followed by Inge Little and Rhys Mountain. Neakiry Kivi recorded the best score of 96.1 in C Grade this week while Ben Cox and Mark Riley scored 95.2. Top shot in B Grade was Summer O’Dwyer with 97.2, Evan Little’s 100.7 was best in A Grade, and Pratik Tailor shot 100.6 to score highest in Master Grade this week. Meredith Ackrill’s 200.14 was best in the 20-shot competition, followed by Pratik Tailor with 199.15.
Three club members travelled to the Bulls Open Champs in Palmerston North on Saturday. While none achieved a place, all gained valuable competition experience.
Some of our newer members may be wondering what our club dinners each week are all about. As a link between our afternoon and evening sessions, we have an hour of relaxation sharing a dinner together. The cost to attend is only $5 per person – everyone welcome. A number of club members have volunteered to provide the meals with the cost of the ingredients reimbursed to them. The meals are wide-ranging from lasagnes and casseroles to soups and stir fries. So if you’d like to join in, just reply to the weekly email sent out towards the end of the week about the club dinners. And if anyone is keen to be added to the roster to provide a meal, please email Meredith at me_thud@hotmail.com.
If you are interested in attending any of the upcoming open champs and require assistance with transportation of equipment, please let Dianne know.
Round 1 of the first representative match of the season, the National District Champs (NDC), will take place on Thursday 28 April. This is an exciting five-round competition with associations competing from around the country every three weeks. The team is comprised of three junior shooters (aged 20 and under), five shooters in a composite team, and a 10-person open team. In addition up to five emergencies are also selected. Each of the three sections (junior, composite and open) compete, with the winning team being awarded points. The points accumulate over the five rounds, determining who makes the semi-finals. Last year Wellington made it through to the Division 2 final, and are hoping to go one better this year. Wellington’s first match is against Southland. If you are keen to be considered for selection (the process is called nominating), please contact the WSRA selector, Evan Little (evster22@gmail.com). Shooters can use club equipment but do need to be self-sufficient as far as scoping themselves.
Upcoming events:
- Saturday 23 April, Rangitikei Open Champs, Marton.
- Sunday 24 April, 9.30am, Teams of Ten trial, 2x20.
- Thursday 28 April, 7.30pm, Round 1 NDC competition.
- Saturday 30 April, Masterton Open Champs, Masterton.
If you have been shooting for more than two years and are aged 16 or over, consider applying for your firearms licence (http://www.police.govt.nz/advice/firearms/standard-new-zealand-firearms-licence). This would help the club immensely and enable you to take more responsibility for your own ammunition and transportation of equipment to matches. The more self-sufficient you are, the easier it is for senior club members.
The final group of new club members moved to slings and jackets yesterday. While there will still be a few tweaks to get better fitting equipment, the bulk of the process has now been completed. Many thanks to all those who came along to help with this transition over the last few weeks.
It’s great to see the improvement in scores from our newer members, with many already shooting competition cards. The top five in D Grade this week were Leilani Fam 93.1, Wiko du Toit 93.0, Georgia Karantze 92.2, Blake Hynson 91.1 (moved to sling and jacket only last week), and Jack MacCormick 90.2, while five more recorded either 88s or 89s. Mark Riley continues his good form in C Grade, scoring 98.4 and 95.5, followed by Neakiry Kivi with 94.2. Summer O’Dwyer was top of B Grade this week with 97.1, and in the higher grades Ross Little top-scored with 98.7. Ross also shot the best 20-shot score this week of 198.8, with Meredith Ackrill next highest on 196.6 which included her first 100 of the season.
Four club members travelled to the Colyton Open Champs on Saturday. Congratulations to Evan Little on his 4th placing in A Grade with 293.13. This weekend’s match is the Bulls Open Champs at Palmerston North.
The benefits of purchasing your own equipment were seen yesterday with Summer O’Dwyer’s scores jumping considerably when she began using her own equipment. We would like to encourage our more experienced shooters to consider purchasing a jacket, sling and swivel. Some of the benefits include not needing to share equipment with anyone else and having a better fitting jacket (especially females). Equipment should easily be able to be on-sold to newer shooters at a later time, thereby minimising the cost overall. Suppliers are linked through the club’s website (http://www.bsrc.org.nz/index.php/links1). Please talk with senior members if you are interested in purchasing equipment and would like advice as to what to buy.
Attached is the club’s shooting calendar. If you’ve ticked the North Island nomination section of the TSNZ membership form, and wish to be considered for selection to one of the teams, you need to compete in a minimum of four open champs before the end of June. And it’s not too late to reconsider ticking the form – just ask Meredith or Evan at the club next week.
A reminder that the grading season has now commenced, so remember to record all competition scores shot on the Excel spreadsheet emailed out last week.
In an effort to reduce the number of email addresses, please advise your preferred address if you are getting this weekly update more than once.
Upcoming events:
- Saturday 16 April, Bulls Open Champs, Palmerston North.
- Sunday 17 April, 9.30am, Teams of Ten trial, 2x20.
- Saturday 23 April, Rangitikei Open Champs, Marton.
- Sunday 24 April, 9.30am, Teams of Ten trial, 2x20.
Congratulations to David Grain on shooting the first 100 at the club this season! And of course that means the 2016 cake roster has now officially started.
Welcome back to Mark Baines and Bex Gibbs. Bex in particular proved she hasn’t lost any of her skills by shooting a very commendable 98.5.
Five more shooters moved to slings yesterday. Bella Gauld continued her fine form on the rest by scoring 89.1 on the sling. It was great to see that all five who moved to slings last week improved this week as they get used to the new equipment.
The top five in D Grade this week were Rhys Mountain with a new PB of 95.1, Leilani Fam 94.3, Sarah May 94.1, and Jack MacCormick and Nicoli Yamog both with 91.2. Mark Riley scored extremely well in C Grade with 98.6 with Luisa Kristen next best on 94.2. Callum Osborne continues to lead B Grade, this week scoring 98.3, while Andrea Tuohy was only a point behind on 97.5. David Grain top-scored in A Grade with 100.4, followed by Dianne Grain with 99.5. And Meredith Ackrill had the highest Master Grade score of 97.5. It was extremely close in the 20-shot competition with three scores being within inners of each other (Dianne Grain 197.13, David Grain 197.11 and Evan Little 197.10).
A reminder that the grading season has now commenced, so please remember to record all competition scores shot on the Excel spreadsheet emailed out on Saturday (or even better, make another tab on last year’s spreadsheet so you can compare against the previous year).
The final group of new shooters will move to slings next Sunday. Assistance would be appreciated, especially as David will be away next week.
There are still a few outstanding subs to be paid. Prompt payment would be appreciated.
With a large number of members using club equipment, we would like to encourage our more experienced shooters to consider purchasing a jacket, sling and swivel. Some of the benefits include not needing to share equipment with anyone else and having a better fitting jacket (especially females). Equipment should easily be able to be on-sold to newer shooters at a later time, thereby minimising the cost overall. Suppliers are linked through this website. Please talk with senior members if you are interested in purchasing equipment and would like advice as to what to buy.
The Wellington Association is holding a business house shoot on Friday 8 April. Please promote this at your workplace – if you are able to get a three-person team together please let me know so that we can organise equipment and coaching.
The first of the season’s open champs is being held on Saturday 9 April at the Colyton range in Feilding. Open champs are held almost weekly at various ranges around the country, with the local ones being advertised in the weekly updates. These champs are totally voluntary and require payment of an entry fee, involve shooting 3x10 shot cards, with cash or prizes for the top placegetters in each grade. We encourage all club members to enter the Wellington Central Club Open Champs on 7 May, the Hutt Valley Open Champs on 11 June and the Wellington Open Champs on 16 July, as well as any other open champs you may wish to go to. Please remember to let a senior member know if you do wish to attend a champs as your equipment will need to be transported there.
A reminder to go along to the first of the Teams of Ten trials on Sunday morning at 9.30am if you are keen to shoot in this exciting competition, being held at the Petone range on 14 May. Wellington has entered two teams, each comprising 10 shooters plus an emergency. Shooters need to be self-sufficient, able to scope themselves and make their own sight changes. The trials involve shooting 2x20 shot targets. These targets can count towards your club competition as long as you let Evan or Meredith know before they are shot.
Upcoming events:
- Friday 8 April, 6.30pm, WSRA Business House Shoot.
- Saturday 9 April, Colyton Open Champs, Feilding.
- Sunday 10 April, 9.30am, Teams of Ten trial, 2x20.
- Saturday 16 April, Bulls Open Champs, Palmerston North.
Welcome to our new members, joining us after the four-week introductory programme. This weekly email informs the membership of achievements in the past week and upcoming events. Please ensure you read it each Monday as it is the best way to ensure you are up to date with what’s happening. There will be a lot of information coming out over the next few weeks and it can be difficult for new shooters to understand, so please – if you do have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me, or ask any of the regular members each week.
Five new shooters moved to slings yesterday with some outstanding results, especially Sarah May 90.2 and Wiko du Toit 90.1. Many thanks to our coaches and organisers for your assistance, particularly Luisa Kristen whose willingness and efficiency in proactively undertaking numerous tasks with very minimal instruction was greatly appreciated. Luisa came to the range prepared, having read the “moving to slings” guidelines in the previous few days. She demonstrated how to get into position herself, then set up Wiko in jacket and sling, coached him on the range, afterwards sorted and relabelled ammunition containers, marked targets and carried out a multitude of other necessary tasks, before shooting a higher than average competition card.
So who shot best in the grades? The top four scores in D Grade this week were Leilani Fam 94.2, Georgia Karantze 93.2, Rhys Mountain 92.1 and Daniel Mackey 91.2. Neakiry Kivi led the way in C Grade with an impressive 96.3 followed by Luisa Kristen with 93.2. Callum Osborne had another good shoot in B Grade with 97.5, and in A Grade Ross Little and Dianne Grain both scored highest with 98.4. Meredith Ackrill was top shot this week in Master Grade with 97.3, and Evan Little scored best in the 20-shot competition with 197.13 while Hamish Guthrey achieved a new personal best 20-shot score of 191.4.
Next week another group of new shooters will move to jacket and sling, with the final group making the transition the following week. Assistance on both days would be appreciated.
The Wellington Association is holding a business house shoot on Friday 8 April. Please promote this at your workplace – if you are able to get a three-person team together please let me know so that we can organise equipment and coaching.
The first of the season’s open champs is being held on Saturday 9 April at the Colyton range in Feilding.
A reminder that subs are now due and prompt payment would be appreciated, either at the club next Sunday or direct into the club’s bank account 38-9005-0731057-01 using your name as a reference.
Senior A | Senior B | Junior A** | Junior B** | College | |
BSRC subs including WSRA and TSNZ affiliation fees* | $295 | $180 | $265 | $150 | $265 |
Closed champs | $10 | $10 | $10 | $10 | $10 |
Coaching*** | $25 | ||||
Triple SSS champs | $10 | ||||
$305 | $190 | $275 | $160 | $310 | |
Nightly range fees | $0 | $6/night | $0 | $6/night | $0 |
Additional: | |||||
Ammunition | $110/500 | $110/500 | $110/500 | $110/500 | $110/500 |
Marksmen’s badges | $9/badge | $9/badge | $9/badge | $9/badge | $9/badge |
* For adult family members living in the same household, second affiliation fee is discounted by $25. Please ignore TSNZ affiliation fee if paid already through outdoor summer shooting.
** Junior A and B subs relate to those aged under 21 as at 31 December, but who have left college.
*** The “coaching” fee goes towards partial reimbursement of travel and accommodation expenses incurred by coaches and organisers in attending secondary school shooting competitions.
Upcoming events:
Friday 8 April, 6.30pm, WSRA Business House Shoot.
Saturday 9 April, Colyton Open Champs, Feilding.
Sunday 10 April, 9.30am, Teams of Ten trial, 2x20.
A big congratulations to Roberta Wadsworth and Lee Harris on their wedding in Blenheim on Saturday. Sources tell me it was a great day that went really well. Looking forward to seeing the photos.
Yesterday marked the last day of the four-week introduction to shooting programme, and the first week of the club competition. The four-week programme is definitely a great way for new shooters to get to understand the sport better and for coaches to get to know the shooters better. The club will now be inviting 12 from the programme to join the club, and move into slings over the next 3-4 weeks. Many thanks once again to the large number of members who have come along to help run the programme each week, and to provide valuable input into the selection of our new members.
There was some absolutely phenomenal shooting by those in the programme yesterday with five scores in the 90s – Wiko du Toit 98.2, Bella Gauld 97.1and 93.0, Oscar Robinson 91.1 and Yiannis Fam 90.3. With scores like those off the rest, I’m sure these shooters will go far in this sport. As well, another 12 scores were recorded in the 80s.
D Grade has started very competitively with only a couple of points separating the shooters. Top shots were Jack MacCormick 90.1, Nicoli Yamog 88.1 and Leilani Fam 88.0, and new member Inge Little also recorded 90.1 off the rest. It was also extremely close in C Grade with only inners separating the top three – Ollie Tuohy 96.5, Hamish Guthrey 96.2 and Mark Riley 96.2, while Luisa Kristen 95.3 and Erin Little 95.2 were only a point behind. The trend continued in B Grade – Andrea Tuohy shot the best card of 97.3 while Callum Osborne recorded 97.1, and in the higher grades Dianne Grain shot highest with 99.6, and Meredith Ackill recorded the best 20-shot score of 197.13.
Thanks to those who helped with the social shoot on Saturday. Unfortunately shooter numbers were much lower than expected – however the level of shooting was high, with scores of 88.0, 87.1 and 85.1 and the remainder in the 70s.
A big ooops – we weren’t actually on range cleaning duties this month, I’d carried that over from last year’s calendar accidentally. So many thanks to those who did help with the cleaning last week, I’m sure South Wellington club will be very appreciative of our efforts during their rostered month. But the good news is we won’t need to clean this Sunday after all!
You should have received information from our new selector, Evan, regarding Teams of Ten (Rees Scroll) and NDC – both extremely good competitions on our shooting calendar. If you’re able to scope yourself and make your own sight adjustments, put your name forward and give it a go!
Subs are now due, and prompt payment would be appreciated. If you are unsure how much you should be paying, please let me know. The 2016 fees are as follows, and can be paid at the club or direct into the club’s bank account 38-9005-0731057-01 using your name as a reference.
Senior A | Senior B | Junior A** | Junior B** | College | |
BSRC subs including WSRA and TSNZ affiliation fees* | $295 | $180 | $265 | $150 | $265 |
Closed champs | $10 | $10 | $10 | $10 | $10 |
Coaching*** | $25 | ||||
Triple SSS champs | $10 | ||||
$305 | $190 | $275 | $160 | $310 | |
Nightly range fees | $0 | $6/night | $0 | $6/night | $0 |
Additional: | |||||
Ammunition | $110/500 | $110/500 | $110/500 | $110/500 | $110/500 |
Marksmen’s badges | $9/badge | $9/badge | $9/badge | $9/badge | $9/badge |
* For adult family members living in the same household, second affiliation fee is discounted by $25.
Please ignore TSNZ affiliation fee if paid already through outdoor summer shooting.
** Junior A and B subs relate to those aged under 21 as at 31 December, but who have left college.
*** The “coaching” fee goes towards partial reimbursement of travel and accommodation expenses incurred by coaches and organisers in attending secondary school shooting competitions.
Next week we’ll revert to the usual 4.30pm coached session and 7.00pm uncoached session.
Upcoming events:
- Sunday 27 March, usual 4.30pm and 7pm sessions commence.
- Saturday 9 April, Colyton Open Champs, Feilding.
- Sunday 10 April, 9.30am, Teams of Ten trial, 2x20.
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